Describe three different resources and how they are used to research educational technology to facilitate student learning.

Describe three different resources and how they are used to research educational technology to facilitate student learning.
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Scenario: You are a classroom teacher who is dedicated to and experienced with integrating various technology resources into your instructional practices. You have found that technology motivates your students and improves their achievement outcomes. Your colleagues are inexperienced with using technology resources as instructional tools and are not sure how to effectively integrate technology into their instructional practices. You have been asked to develop a website that will provide information and ideas around the effective integration of technology into instructional practice. Your audience is composed of teachers and administrators. REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt). Note: You will be creating one website with multiple webpages. You will need to submit a pdf of the entire website, or a pdf of each page of your website to allow for evaluation of this task. A. Create an original website that demonstrates the importance of educational technology for teaching and student learning, using a website authoring tool. Submit a pdf or pdfs of each page of the website. Adhere to the following requirements for the pages within your website: 1. Create a web page describing the purpose of the website and your personal philosophy for using educational technology to facilitate student learning. Address each of the following: • equitable use • ethical use • social responsibility 2. Create a web page about choosing educational technology that facilitates student learning by doing the following: a. Describe three different resources and how they are used to research educational technology to facilitate student learning. b. Describe two methods or strategies for integrating educational technology to facilitate student learning. 3. Create a web page with a sample learning activity demonstrating the integration of a technology resource or resources, including an explanation of how technology can be integrated into each of the following: • curricular resources that guide instructional design (e.g., standards) • formative assessment strategy • summative assessment strategy • how student data would be used through technology for student learning outcomes 4. Create a web page that describes how educational and assistive technology fosters self-directedness and independent learning by doing the following: a. Create a section within your page that provides two examples of educational technology tools an educator can use to foster or support goals of self-directedness and independent student learning. Explain how each of these tools supports these goals. b. Create a section within your page that provides two examples of assistive technology, different than those used in part A4a. Describe how the technology meets individual student needs and learning in an educational setting. B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. NEED TO KNOW TIPS!!!!! Task 1 Create a Website: (Don’t panic, it’s not a “real” website from scratch!) You will create 5 sections each titled A1, A2a, A2b, etc. on either a Microsoft Word document (this is the quickest option with no real URL needed; it doesn’t even have to look like a website-just type your answers to each part below on one document)…. with a few sentences describing each of the following bullet points. The evaluators will only assess your written work. No links or images are needed. Use the checklist below and you should be done in less than 2 hours! (The red page numbers below reference the course materials for more information.) Page 1: (A1) One direct statement describing the purpose of the website (Go look at the task 1 directions where it says “scenario” to find the purpose of creating this website.) One direct statement noting your personal philosophy for using educational technology to facilitate student learning (why do you believe using tech in the classroom is important) A descriiption of what equitable use is in the classroom regarding technology and why it is important pp. 23-26 A descriiption of what ethical use is in the classroom regarding technology and why it is important pp. 36-38 A descriiption of what social responsibility is in the classroom regarding technology and why it is important) pp. 41-45 Page 2: (A2a) – You need to use three of the examples I give you below or something similar. Do not use too specific of toolsand make sure to focus on the teacher using each to research tech tools to use for the classroom. Common Sense Education, Learn Platform, Kathy Shrocks Guide to Technology, Edutopia, and EdSurge are all examples of resources you could name. Then could use each to research tech tools. For example, teachers could use EdSurge to research tech tools to use as formative assessments in the classroom. Other examples are podcasts, ipad apps, virtual field trips, or tech tools to use as summative assessments in the classroom. Again, make sure the focus is on research. Three different resources and how teachers can use them to research educational technology to facilitate student learning pp. 55-60 Examples: Kathy Schrock Guide to Technology, CommonSense Education, LearnPlatform, EdSurge, Learning Assembly, etc. (Be sure to cite these sources on your reference page) For example, teachers could use EdSurge to research different tech tools to use as formative assessments in the classroom. Use an in-text citation for each resource you select here. Page 2: (A2b) Two methods or strategies for integrating educational technology to facilitate student learning. (These should be broad methods like the examples below; not specific tools.) pp. 55-60 Examples: Flipped classroom, blended learning, stations, etc. For example, teachers could integrate technology in a flipped classroom approach by assigning videos ahead of time for students to watch. Page 3: (A3) pp. 58-59, 68-69, 71-73 List the grade level, subject area, (For example, 3rd grade math or 5th grade science) and standard the content/skill that your students will be practicing based on the standard you selected. (For example, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.A.1 Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each.) Pick one tech tool (an app, software, gamification idea, QR codes, etc.) that you could use in a real activity with your students to teach them the initial concepts or practice the concepts relating to the standard/topic you chose.) You do NOT need an actual example of this; aka, no worksheets, digital copies of games, hard copies shown, etc. All you need to do is describe the activity and explain how the tech tool will help your students better understand the concepts being taught related to the standard you selected.) Next, select a different tech tool to informally (a quick, in the moment process) assess your students. Describe how you will use this tech tool and how you could use the immediate data received to optimize student outcomes in learning. Finally, select one more tech tool to summatively (a more in-depth process) assess your students. Describe how you will use this tech tool and how you could use the data received to optimize student outcomes in learning. Page 4: (A4a) Create a section within your page that provides two examples of educational technology tools an educator can use to foster or support goals of self-directedness and independent student learning. Explain how each of these tools supports these goals. pp. 76-81 Self-directed typically means that students are able to learn independently without the help of a teacher. Tech tools such as IXL and Khan Academy promote this approach. Page 4: (A4b) Create a section within your page that provides two examples of assistive technology. Describe how the technology meets individual student needs and learning in an educational setting. (For example, text-to-speech) pp. 82-87 Page 5: (Part B) WGU Writing Center Cite all of your sources here. You must use APA format (do not just copy and paste websites or links). The evaluators are specifically looking for your three resources in A2a to be cited in APA format. Citations: If you are referencing the resource EdSurge (, 2022) in your work, you would cite it just like I did. But you will also need to add this reference to your B. Sources section at the end of your assignment, or section 5 of this task. Sources Citation Format Education Technology News and resources. EdSurge. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2022, from How to cite the course material: Part C: WGU Writing Center Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
