Discuss how nurses might approach a moral situation using the knowledge of Gilligan’s and/or Kohlberg’s framework.
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Discuss how nurses might approach a moral situation using the knowledge of Gilligan’s and/or Kohlberg’s framework.
January 20, 2020 Comments Off on Discuss how nurses might approach a moral situation using the knowledge of Gilligan’s and/or Kohlberg’s framework. Assignment Assignment helpCarol Gilligan focuses on a care perspective, which is organized around the notions of responsibility, compassion (care), and relationships. She contends that for women, moral maturity is less a matter of abstract, impersonal justice (Kohlberg) and more an ethic of caring relationships. Many psychologists now disagree with the empirical claim that men and women differ in their moral reasoning in the way Gilligan outlines. Several studies have now found both men and women using both justice and care dimensions in their moral reasoning. Discuss how nurses might approach a moral situation using the knowledge of Gilligan’s and/or Kohlberg’s framework.
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