Discuss the causes of discrimination in health care.
Discuss the causes of discrimination in health care.
December 2, 2019 Comments Off on Discuss the causes of discrimination in health care. Statistics Assignment helpClinical Nurse Leader Issue Brief Often called upon to diffuse innovative ideas, change policy or practice, or initiate improvements, clinical nurse leaders must be able to create a concise, evidence-based argument for persuading others to take a particular course of action. This assignment requires you to articulately and succinctly present an issue of concern in health care, provide evidence to support your point of view, and make a recommendation for action. Please select an ethics-related issue that pertains to this course, research the selected issue, summarize pertinent aspects of the issue, and make a specific recommendation for improving the situation, highlighting advantages and challenges associated with your recommendation. Incorporate evidence from two articles supporting your position. Make sure to center your issue around one of these: ? Social justice in nursing ? Advocacy for patients ? Teamwork and healthy work environments ? Moral courage/ speaking up ? Perspectives on health/social justice ? Health inequities and disparities ? Root causes and impacts of social injustices ? Upstream, downstream perspectives ? Discrimination in health care ? Strategies to address bias and discrimination in healthcare ? Role of nurses in preventing harm and promoting good consequences ? Role of nurses in promoting privacy and confidentiality ? Teamwork in ethically difficult situations ? Health care access ? Stereotyping or discrimination in healthcare ? Equity and equality ? Beneficence ? Maleficence ? Moral disengagement Examples might include a recommendation to: ? Nurse Executive for institution-wide or Nurse Manager for unit-based policy change regarding ethical issues in health services, patient care, safety, and quality of care ? Editor of media such as a newspaper about an ethical issue of concern (Op-Ed column) Format: The Issue Brief should be 1 single-spaced, typed page, written as a formal business memo to a specific person. Two evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals supporting the recommendation should be incorporated into the brief. Evaluation: Grading Criteria Description is complete, succinct, objective, and accurate. Issue is ethics-related and supported by strong evidence from reliable sources. Recipient is appropriate to the issue and clearly identified. Argument for change is presented clearly, completely, succinctly, and objectively. Compelling rationale for change is outlined. Negative aspects of the change are addressed but rationale is provided as to why they pose a lesser problem. Recommended action is clearly described and relevant to the issue. : https://www.nursingoutlook.org/article/S0029-6554(14)00057-8/fulltext https://www.who.int/evidence/sure/policybriefs/en/ http://www.nursing.columbia.edu/research/center-health-policy/student-policy-briefs https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20121025.024639/full/