Do you think that juveniles who commit serious crimes should be treated like adult offenders?
Do you think that juveniles who commit serious crimes should be treated like adult offenders?
December 21, 2019 Comments Off on Do you think that juveniles who commit serious crimes should be treated like adult offenders? Course Work Assignment helpPretend that the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is interested in the public’s opinion of the treatment of juvenile offenders. You are randomly selected to participate in a survey. In no more than 500 words, answer the following questions. There are no right or wrong answers but be sure to use evidence—you feel strongly about these issues and want to make a strong case!
1. Do you think that status offenses should be illegal? Drawing from course material, defend your position. If status offenses should not be illegal, how should we respond to them, if at all? It may be helpful to consider each individual status offenses separately.
2. Do you think that juveniles who commit serious crimes should be treated like adult offenders? Defend your position using course material.