Explain how current policy could be adapted (or new policy created) to address the public health issue.

Explain how current policy could be adapted (or new policy created) to address the public health issue.
January 8, 2020 Comments Off on Explain how current policy could be adapted (or new policy created) to address the public health issue. Nursing Assignment help

Research policy briefs use the written word to express the immediacy and urgency of an issue. Grounded in evidence and facts, research policy briefs define public health issues by highlighting its impacts across each the PEEEL disciplines. Above all, research policy briefs provide public health professionals an opportunity to advocate for an issue. By using clear and objective language, professionals can persuade audiences toward a specific course of action. Title page and Table of Contents Executive Summary Part 1: Introduction Identify your audience Articulate the public health issue Provide evidence that justifies this as a public health issue Identify the level of interest Describe the population(s) affected Part 2: Multidisciplinary Impacts Laws and policies Epidemiology and medicine Economics Politics Ethics Part 3: Analysis and Recommendations Explain how current policy could be adapted (or new policy created) to address the public health issue Critique the merits of current interventions Propose and support an alternative intervention Explain limitations to your recommendations Part 4: Conclusion Explain the need for the audience to address the public health problem Reiterate the action you want the audience to take
