Explain the three impacts of job growth that occur through technological growth or automation.
January 15, 2020 Comments Off on Explain the three impacts of job growth that occur through technological growth or automation. ping Assignment helpAI and The Labor Market International Labor Organization Future of Work Research Paper Series (Link: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—cabinet/documents/publication/wcms_647306.pdf) Read the article and answer the following questions : Section 1: 1- What is the concern over artificial intelligence? Explain comprehensively. Section 2: 1- What allowed for the recent explosion of patents in artificial intelligence or technological advancements? 2- Explain what this would do to the PPF. As a result how would this impact GDP growth and the employment or unemployment rate? 3- In the past, technological innovations created better working conditions for workers and fewer manufacturing but more service-sector jobs. However, the recent expansion has led to a different development in employment. Explain the disparity in types of jobs (see figure 3). Section 3: 1- Explain the three impacts of job growth that occur through technological growth or automation. Provide a detailed example of each. Section 4: 1- How is artificial intelligence difference than other types of technology? Section 5: 1- What are the policy prescriptions that the authors argue for? 2- Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Do you have other solutions if you disagree?