How did Native Americans protest historic encroachments on their rights during this era (1960s-1970s)?
How did Native Americans protest historic encroachments on their rights during this era (1960s-1970s)?
December 5, 2019 Comments Off on How did Native Americans protest historic encroachments on their rights during this era (1960s-1970s)? Assignment Assignment helpUse this book to answer the following discussions: Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. NY: Harper-Collins, 2003. Plagarism free and number each discussion.
Discussion 1
The sixties profoundly affected all of American society. Which issues dominated the women’s rights agenda of that period (1960s-1970s)?
Discussion 2
How did Native Americans protest historic encroachments on their rights during this era (1960s-1970s)?
Discussion 3
How did the civil rights movements of the 1960s lead to the rise of social history?
Respond to this in own opinion (Paige)
Zinn brings to our attention that here had never been more movements for change concentrated in such a short span of years in American History as there was in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s (539). The Civil Rights Movement created a sort of wake up call and a shift in thinking among many Americans. As movements of many different groups of people were taking place, many voices of which were not previously heard were being heard and magnified. As the experiences and injustices of different groups of people were being heard, the social and cultural experiences of these people were being reexamined and explored further. Traditional education and teachings that were status quo, began to be reexamined as well. It was being realized that the American school system had “taught whole generations the values of patriotism, of obeying authority, and had perpetuated ignorance, even contempt for people of other nations, races, Native Americans and women” (538). Zinn states that education, bureaucracy, and the insistence on subordination to authority was being challenged (538). Zinn argues there was a new feeling of suspicion and loss of faith in the government and other big powers, as well as experts in various fields, and a stronger belief in the “collective self” arose and there were “small swift currents against the mainstream” (538). Zinn states that during the Civil Rights Movement “there was a general revolt against oppressive, artificial, previously unquestioned ways of living” (536). All of these factors and skepticism that arose from the Civil Rights Movements of the 1960’s lead to the rise of social history.