Which chapter or set of chapters that we cover in our class notes and in the Ginsberg textbook relate to this current event topic and why?

Which chapter or set of chapters that we cover in our class notes and in the Ginsberg textbook relate to this current event topic and why?
February 27, 2024 Comments Off on Which chapter or set of chapters that we cover in our class notes and in the Ginsberg textbook relate to this current event topic and why? Do My assignment Assignment-help
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Subject: Do My assignment

For your current event essay, answer the questions below:

For my essay I chose to write about Abortion. Please use this article as a reference: https://www.gale.com/open-access/abortion thanks!!!

Part I. What is your current event about?

Part II. Which chapter or set of chapters that we cover in our class notes and in the Ginsberg textbook relate to this current event topic and why?

(It relates to Chapter 4: Civil Liberties) Here is the e-text book link as well for reference: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lkjdj4x0fmp5nhk7fesih/We-the-People-14e-14th-Essential-Edition.pdf?rlkey=inu761ldo1kwfi169dexmk2mv&e=1&dl=0

Part III. What is your opinion about this current event? How did you choose this current event?

I am pro-choice.

Part IV. How do you feel this current event expands your knowledge of the federal government and our country’s political environment?

Part V. Explain the research process for finding your source for the current event. Which of the topic options did you select in Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)? Did you find your chosen source right away or after first reviewing a couple of other sources? Have you done research using Opposing Viewpoints before?

I chose Abortion without searching any other topics in Opposing Viewpoints. I chose the topic because you can make an argument being pro-choice or pro-life and both have valid points.

Essay must be five paragraphs long and answer all five question parts and you also must include at least one MLA citation (8th or 9th edition) of a source you find through Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context).