Write a research article explaining how cancer is detected using biomarkers.
Write a research article explaining how cancer is detected using biomarkers.
February 29, 2024 Comments Off on Write a research article explaining how cancer is detected using biomarkers. Do My assignment Assignment-helpWrite a research article explaining how cancer is detected using biomarkers.Term paper in molecular biology
Advances in molecular biology are made with ever-increasing frequency, yet we can only introduce a few fundamental topics during the semester. This project is designed to address two main educational objectives.
First, it will give you the opportunity to explore an area of molecular biology that interests you, in some detail. You could choose a topic that is not covered during the course of our lectures. Alternatively, you could explore a topic in much greater depth than we cover in class. Second, writing well is a valuable skill that comes easily to few people, whereas most of us need practice to develop these skills. Moreover, the ability to organize and complete a substantial task, while busy with the rest of your work, is also important. Thus, you will have a chance to develop a timeline and write more than one draft of the paper (for feedback) before submitting the final report. Remember that the format and style of your term paper will be important, as are the content and analysis.
Annotated bibliography: Once you have surveyed the literature on your topic of choice, and collected all or most of the references and resources that you will need, briefly summarize the main points of each reference that you will use in your paper (minimum of six for the annotated bibliography). In other words, you cannot submit the abstract from each paper. You must write your own annotations based on your reading/comprehension of the study.
Outline: Write a detailed outline (with subheadings, sections, arguments, opinions, citations, etc.). The more detailed, the better (for you), as this will form the framework for your paper. It should be about two pages in length. Ensure that your citations and list of references follow APA format. Note that you may find that your topic has changed a little or a lot from your original idea. That is fine!
Draft of paper (optional): If you would like to hand in a hard-copy draft for me to read over and comment on, you may do so, prior to submitting the final draft. If you choose this option, please submit this draft to me no later than 10 days before the final paper is due, to ensure that I have the time to review it and return it to you.
Final draft: Your final draft must be well-written (correct spelling, grammar, paragraph structure), well-organized, and fully referenced, written in 12 point font, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins. Rather than set a minimum page limit, I will simply say that I will be looking for a well-organized, well-written, thorough treatment of a subject that brings together information from a minimum of 12 different sources (primarily peer-reviewed journals). Support general statements with specific examples. Use figures and/or tables where appropriate (these must be fully referenced if taken from another source). A well-written summary of a topic should earn the equivalent of a B, whereas a well-written synthesis involving combinations of comparison/contrast/analysis/opinion should earn the equivalent of an A
Presentation to class: During the last week, we’ll have an informal presentation to give everyone a chance to talk about their research topic. Simple visual aids or handouts are expected for everyone to follow along. Assessment is informal, including clarity, flow, scientific quality, grammar, and understanding.
A note about plagiarism: Don’t! Always rewrite the information in your own words. Copying text, even if only a small portion of the work, will earn you a mark of 0 on that component of the project. If you have trouble paraphrasing information, I can help.