Write a research paper outlining the necessity of an ePortfolio for students.

Write a research paper outlining the necessity of an ePortfolio for students.
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Write a research paper outlining the necessity of an ePortfolio for students.The assignments have been uploaded
Using Technology for Authentic Assessments
Complete your Module 5 Assignment by the end of Week 5.

ePortfolios are a creative way for learners to highlight their learning and reflect on key concepts. In Module 9 of this course, you will submit your own eportfolio highlighting artifacts you have created as you designed and created components of your blended course.

For this assignment, you will set up your eportfolio artifacts in Google Drive* You will also establish a blog to serve as a learning journal for the remainder of the course.

*If you do not have a Google Drive account, refer to the resource on the Learning Objects page to create an account.

Step 1. Define
Create a Word document titled “ePortfolio” to begin an essay you will submit in Module 9. To introduce your essay, define the purpose and objectives for your personal/professional eportfolio for this course. Ask yourself what your eportfolio should demonstrate. Review the resources on the Learning Objects page for ideas.

Step 2. Upload
Review the discussions and assignments for Modules 1-8 and collect all the digital artifacts you have created thus far in the course.

Create a new folder titled “FirstInitialLastName_eportfolio” in your Google Drive and upload your artifacts into the folder. Note you will do this for each module going forward as you continue to create artifacts utilizing digital tools. Remember artifacts may also include Word documents.

Step 3. Create
Create a table in your Word document essay listing the artifacts you have uploaded thus far to your Google Drive in the first column. In the second column, write objectives (or reuse learning objectives from this course) to designate your learning each artifact showcases. Save this document in your Google Drive eportfolio folder. As you progress in the course, update this list for each module’s artifacts.

Step 5. Create
Create a brief (3-5 criteria) self-assessment rubric using Google Forms to gauge the content, breadth, and depth of your reflection. Refer to the link on the Learning Objects page. Insert your rubric (screenshot from Google Forms) into your essay and describe how you set up your rubric and justify the criteria you included.

Step 6. Establish
Establish a learning journal using the free version of the blogging tool WordPress. This digital tool will allow you to link to any webpage, including all those created in apps in the Google Suite. Refer to the helpful resources on the Learning Objects page.

Step 7. Write and Blog
For your first blog post, write an introduction paragraph and then copy and paste the reflection portion of your essay (Step 4) into the post.

Tag this entry with the learning objective(s) you wrote in Step 1.

Do not launch/publish your blog at this time; set the visibility to private to preview it and become familiar with the functionality if you are new to blogging. You will create at least two more blog posts (Modules 7 and 9) and launch/publish your blog in Module 9.

Step 8. Submit
Submit your Word document essay (“ePortfolio”), including a title page, your table of artifacts, your reflection and rubric, and a references page. Utilize APA formatting.

Module 1

The Evolution of Instructional Technology

My Discussion Post

The use of technology in education has leveled the playing field for many students in the classroom and out of the classroom with their academics. Through the use of technology, many families have additional educational resources available to help their students be successful. Technology has allowed for additional learning to take place because many parents and families are becoming knowledgeable about how to support their children via technology applications. The rise of technology has provided our children with access to the global community. By leveraging technology, obstacles can be eliminated, and the acquisition of knowledge can be broadened. By utilizing video conferencing systems, educators are able to establish connections with students and facilitate the exchange of knowledge. Students demonstrate diversity in their learning styles. For example, certain individuals acquire knowledge most effectively through visual stimuli, whereas others grasp information more effectively through auditory stimuli. Technology can cater to the specific needs of students based on their preferences.

According to Carstens et al., 2021, students are coming of age in an era where technology is a prevailing trend that fosters competition. Students dedicate extensive amounts of time to engaging with popular technologies. Technology is increasingly becoming a dominant method of learning in today’s classrooms. In the dynamic realm of technology, educators diligently strive to integrate technological tools into their daily pedagogy to establish a connection between students’ interests and the learning process. Educators face significant pressure to deliver a high-quality education to students of the 21st century in accordance with contemporary standards. Technology is utilized for district / state assessments and also for the delivery of instruction.

Canva streamlines the process of producing visually captivating and artistic resources, rendering it accessible to individuals of all backgrounds. Canva is a multifaceted tool that provides an extensive array of design possibilities, encompassing social media content, posters, websites, booklets, multimedia presentations, and additional options. It is a highly valuable resource for improving your design skills, even if you are a novice. I have started to use Canva instead of PowerPoint.

Employing the whiteboard as an instructional instrument allows educators to deliver lessons in an alternative manner, thereby diminishing predictability for both teachers and students. The interactive whiteboard allows teachers to establish an Internet connection and project images on various topics, which greatly aids individuals who have a preference for visual learning.


Carstens, K. J., Mallon, J. M., Bataineh, M., & Al-Bataineh, A. (n.d.). Effects of technology on student learning. Eric.ed.gov. Retrieved January 12, 2024, from

Course Design Framework Presentation – Completed – See Attached
Complete your Module 1 Assignment by the end of Week 1.

Over the next nine weeks, you will select content and design a blended course for a target population of your choice. Think about a course you would produce and use in the future. Take time now to preview the final assignment due in Module 8 to use as a guide before you begin this process. In each assignment for Modules 1-4 and 6-8, you will develop or revise a component of the blended course you are designing.

In this assignment, you will create a narrated presentation outlining the theoretical framework you will use in developing your blended course design.

Step 1. Decide
Decide on relevant course content you would like to teach or share with a target learner population in an educational setting. Consider this content and population as you research theoretical perspectives appropriate to the design of a blended course. Identify the course content and the target population.

Step 2. Research and Select
Conduct a peer-reviewed literature search on learning theories which allow for the integration of technology in course design. Select one learning theory based on the needs of your population, the resources you have available, the digital tools you wish to utilize, and the content you wish to teach.

Step 3. Critique
Critique the learning theory by addressing these questions:

Why is this theory appropriate to frame your course design?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the learning theory in relation to technology use and your course content?

What kinds of digital technologies and tools could you use to draw from principles of the theory?

Step 4. Design
Design a graphic of your framework. Include the theory you are incorporating into your course design and any aligned digital tools and technologies. Represent interactions and/or interconnections between concepts visually. See “Concept Mapping Help” in the ACE resource linked on the Learning Objects page.

Step 5. Summarize
In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize how grounding a blended course design in a theoretical framework for instructional technology will assist with the alignment of course content and meeting the needs of 21st century learners.

Step 6. Create
Using a tool of your choice, create a presentation with audio narration. Include the following:

Title slide,

At least 5 slides incorporating your work from Steps 1-3,

At least 1 slide with your graphic from Step 4,

Summary slide(s) from Step 5, and

References slide with a minimum of two sources from outside the course in addition to any course materials.

Use APA format for the title and references slides and in-text citations.

Step 7. Submit
Submit your presentation (including audio narration) or a link to your presentation in this module

Teaching 21st Century Skills
IMG_8241.MOV – completed work

What kind of learning modality were you using when you created the video?

To create this video, I utilized an instructional technique that included the utilization of both visual and auditory components by making use of my mobile phone. This allowed me to create the video simultaneously. After that, I took the video and uploaded it to my Google Drive, and then I used the post to distribute the link to it across the internet.

What kind of learning modality does the technology you plan to incorporate address?

A multimedia presentation will be utilized to present the lesson. The lesson will be presented on slides, videos, or digital images, along with audio, which may consist of speech, music, or sound effects. For instance, I will encompass all forms of content, including text, images, audio, video, and animation. Due to the inherent nature of the lesson, I will also be employing maps. I will endeavor to incorporate audio messages. I am searching for a way to access the learning of the students through technology, possibly Baamboozle. Incorporate visual aids, photographs, videos, and music into presentations to captivate and involve students. Engaging students in technology and multimedia education can be achieved through various creative methods, such as designing slideshows and digital presentations, incorporating music or videos for contextualization, and inviting virtual guest speakers through conference call platforms like Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facetime (W, n.d, 2019).

How could these same digital tools be incorporated into a different learning modality?

Many digital tools can be classified into various modalities. To maximize the efficiency of tools, it is crucial to strategically and comprehensively plan for the integration of technology into lessons (ACE, 2021). Students are more engaged and in control when technology is integrated well in the classroom. Tech integration makes classrooms project-based and student-centered (Gilbertson, 2007).


American College of Education (ACE). (2021). CI6163: Module 2: Using Five Modalities to Meet 21st Century Learner Needs [Video]. Canvas.

Gilbertson, N. (2007, November 6). How to integrate technology. Edutopia.

Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.

W, N. (n.d.). 3 Trends in educational technology to watch in 2019.

Links to an external site.

Integrating Digital Tools Into Your Course Design
Complete your Module 2 Assignment by the end of Week 2.

Understanding how to effectively integrate digital tools into your curriculum is critical for teaching learners 21st century skills. Learning centers can use technology in a variety of ways.

In this assignment, the directions are provided for three digital learning centers. You will choose and create two of the three digital learning centers addressing a single topic or concept within your blended course design (Module 1) and using a variety of instructional technologies, including audio and video enhancements. Review the resources on the Learning Objects page before you begin. After creating the learning centers, then develop a reflection essay with a link to your digital creations.

Learning Center A: Curated Space
Step A1. Compose
Compose at least one learning objective and one digital skills objective for this learning center related to the general lesson topic or concept.

Step A2. Establish
Establish a portal for a curated space of learning materials using one of these digital tools or one of your own choosing:




Display your objectives in the portal.

Step A3. Collect
Collect and display at least five objects with which learners will interact to achieve the objectives.

Step A4. Share
Copy the URL or create a link to share the learning center with your faculty member.

Learning Center B: Annotated Video
Step B1. Compose
Compose at least one learning objective and one digital skills objective for this learning center related to the general lesson topic or concept.

Step B2. Watch
Watch How to Create My First Video Lesson linked on the Learning Objects page.

Step B3. Access
Create an account through Edpuzzle.com or access a similar digital tool which allows you to create interactions by inserting annotations and captions into video content.

Step B4. Choose
Choose a lesson plan or concept which includes a video or create a video to serve as the basis of the lesson.

Step B5. Create
Incorporate the learning objectives and at least one of each of the following objects into the video:

Interactive quiz questions reflecting on what is discussed in the video;

Annotations to highlight or expand upon concepts in the video.

Voiceover audio comments to clarify or extend a concept.

Step B6. Share
Copy the URL or create a link to share the learning center with your faculty member.

Learning Center C: Smartphone Apps
Step C1. Research
Research three smartphone apps learners could download to practice the skill being taught in the lesson or an underlying concept for which practice may be needed.

Step C2. Compose
Compose at least one learning objective and one digital skills objective for this learning center related to the general lesson topic or concept.

Step C3. Direct
In a Google Docs or Google Slides file, state the objectives and write directions for students to access all three apps from their smartphones. Provide specific instructions for students to follow to master the objectives from Step C2.

Step C4. Share
Save the document or presentation and create a link to share the learning center with your faculty member.

Reflect and Submit
Reflect on this assignment in a 2-page essay describing the two learning centers selected and the digital tools used. In your essay, include links to the tools and to your learning centers. Provide an overview of the functionality of the tools and a descriiption of how you chose to integrate them into your blended course design (Module 1). Include an APA title page and references page. Submit the essay on the assignment page.

Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations in the reflection paper only.

Choosing Instructional Resources

What are the characteristics of your learners, including any differences or special needs?

Several of my students face difficulties related to social and emotional learning, reading at grade level, ADD, ADHD, and self-regulation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2011 that approximately 11 percent of children in the United States, which is equivalent to 6.4 million children aged 4 to 17, were diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder based on the information provided by their parents ((Desautels, 2017b).

Describe one of the three resources or strategies you are considering for your lesson (e.g., media, technology, instructional or hands-on materials, instructional strategies, etc.).

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a form of assistive technology that audibly reads the text to students. Occasionally, TTS may be referred to as “read-aloud” technology (Text-to-Speech Technology: What It Is and How It Works | Reading Rockets, n.d.-b) Through a limited number of instructional sessions, students rapidly acquire the skills to navigate the devices proficiently. Students comprehend that by pressing a button or using their finger, the compact TTS device can transform written words on a computer or other digital device into audible sound. Thus enabling students to activate the audio feature on their screens, allowing them to listen. This device empowers students by granting them the ability to manipulate the audio playback speed, thereby allowing them to take charge of their own learning. When students synchronize their reading with the audio playback, it can enhance their word recognition, extend their attention span, and improve their comprehension of words.

Provide a rationale for your selection, considering what you have learned about learning theory and best practices.

Technology can be used in classrooms to support students with learning difficulties or to address concerns related to students’ self-regulation. Various forms of technology empower students to assume autonomy over their individualized learning. When technology is utilized appropriately, it has the potential to significantly impact learners by increasing their level of engagement in the learning process. Studies have shown that elements like motivation, engagement, and the dynamics of the classroom enhance students’ academic performance and learning outcomes. In order to augment student motivation, engagement, classroom dynamics, academic performance, and enjoyment,

How will you use the 5Ps to apply these resources or strategies?

Before incorporating the TTS assistive device into the classroom, it is crucial for me to thoroughly examine and assess all of its functionalities and applications. This will enable me to address all inquiries that students and potentially parents may have. After comprehending the device and its complete range of functionalities, I will determine the most effective manner in which to employ the system with students. Prior to students becoming overly engrossed in their devices, it is crucial to establish clear expectations and a strategic approach to learning in order to maintain their attention. Subsequently, students will be given the chance to examine devices in advance and subsequently engage in a discussion with a partner to express their curiosity or enthusiasm. At long last, the commencement of the practice is underway. Students will be afforded the opportunity to engage in deliberate practice for a predetermined duration. During this period, students will receive prompts that will help them maintain their focus on their inquiries.


Desautels, L. (2017, March 31). Emotional regulation for kids with ADHD. Edutopia.

Links to an external site.

Text-to-Speech Technology: What it is and how it works | Reading Rockets. (n.d.). Reading Rockets.

Links to an external site.

Text-to-Speech Technology: What It Is and How It Works
Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It’s sometimes called “rea…

Using Technology to Create Lesson Openers

Choosing Instructional Resources