Begin with formulating your general purpose, specific purpose and central idea for your persuasive speech

Begin with formulating your general purpose, specific purpose and central idea for your persuasive speech
December 5, 2023 Comments Off on Begin with formulating your general purpose, specific purpose and central idea for your persuasive speech Economics, Finance and Investment Assignment-help

The Assignment Begin with formulating your general purpose, specific purpose and central idea for your persuasive speech. Be sure to follow proper formatting as discussed in Module 10 to devise a clear visual framework. Segment your outline into three components: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Your outline should include the following elements: Title General Purpose Specific Purpose Central Idea Introduction with Attention Material and Orienting Material Body with corresponding main points and support material Conclusion with Summary and Clincher Transition statements where appropriate Bibliography 3 Resources from Acceptable Length Your outline should be a minimum of one page in length. Use one-inch margins. Use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Use double line spacing in the document.
