Choose a disease process relevant to you and preferably from our syllabus.Explain Curative measures (if any) and any future research-Include reference page & use supportive literature.
Home › Uncategorized › Choose a disease process relevant to you and preferably from our syllabus.Explain Curative measures (if any) and any future research-Include reference page & use supportive literature.
Choose a disease process relevant to you and preferably from our syllabus.Explain Curative measures (if any) and any future research-Include reference page & use supportive literature.
May 5, 2020 Comments Off on Choose a disease process relevant to you and preferably from our syllabus.Explain Curative measures (if any) and any future research-Include reference page & use supportive literature. Uncategorized Assignment-help1. Choose a disease process relevant to you and preferably from our syllabus. This may include a system that was not yet covered in lecture/lab. 2. Indicate the following – a. Brief introduction – disease/condition name and origin, system(s) organ(s) involved. b. Statistical information about mortality/morbidity (deaths/disease rates) in the U.S. You can present local information for our state if available. c. Common signs and symptoms (disease manifestation) d. Common diagnostic measures – how do we know/confirm the patient has the disease (try to find the “golden standard” of diagnosis). e. Curative measures (if any) and any future research-Include reference page & use supportive literature.