Compare and contrast the constructivist learning approach and a direct teaching approach, giving specific examples of how these should be considered when teachers design their lessons.
Compare and contrast the constructivist learning approach and a direct teaching approach, giving specific examples of how these should be considered when teachers design their lessons.
November 16, 2020 Comments Off on Compare and contrast the constructivist learning approach and a direct teaching approach, giving specific examples of how these should be considered when teachers design their lessons. Uncategorized Assignment-helpDiscuss in my Reflective Essay:Explain Vygotsky’s Social Constructivist Learning Approach and how could it be used when teachers are putting lesson plans together for their class?Contrast Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism theory and Jean Piaget’s Constructivist theory against each other.Discuss Constructivism and Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) an explain how it applies to education. Show how the ZPD can be linked to practice in the classroom. Make particular reference to Vygotsky and his social constructivism approaches in the classroom.Refer to Vygotsky’s Book Chapter 1 pg 30 on Devlopment of the child. Blooms Taxonomy for the Direct Teaching Approach and discuss how Blooms Taxonomy can be used in the classroom.Use the sources below:1).