Create an analysis of Camera movements in under the shadow (2016)

Create an analysis of Camera movements in under the shadow (2016)
November 16, 2020 Comments Off on Create an analysis of Camera movements in under the shadow (2016) Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 371
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Choose a particular element (any salient technique(s) within mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, sound) and follow it through the film, noting how it contributes to the development of the narrative and ideas in the movie. In the same way, you’ll want to pick an element and track its narrative function in the film. How does the use of this element express theme(s), narrative, or character psychology in the film? The element is cinematography and camera work in the movie (Under the shadow).

Use this for guidance:
hat idea(s) did you get from one of these films? What scene or element seems to best exemplify or lead you to that idea? Tell us about it. But also remember: cinema is a visual/aural medium. When you’re describing a scene, ask yourself, “Could my description just as easily apply to a scene in a novel?” That is, are you describing what happened, without discussion of how (visually and aurally) it happens? If the answer is “yes,” then you are doing it incorrectly. Don’t bother telling us the story—we’ve seen the film. Focus on describing the specifically cinematic elements of the film and demonstrating how they relate to the idea(s) you’re interested in.

The paper should run between 1500 and 2000 words (4-5 pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point font). Please include a word count at the end of your essay. Number your pages. Within this limited space it is best, as always, to focus the argument carefully. Excellent papers will make their argument clear from the beginning and then support the thesis with specific examples. Again, mere description of scenes does not support an argument; demonstrating how a particular technique or moment supports a theme or function does help a thesis.

I will also upload a document which shows what scenes you will want to focus on from the film. The essay has to be on the camera movements, framework and use of shadows in the film.

This is the film:

Under the Shadow (2016)

Written and directed by Babak Anvari; produced by Lucan Toh, Oliver Roskill, and Emily Leo; music by Gavin Cullen and William McGillivray; cinematography by Kit Fraser; edited by Chris Barwell.

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