Create your own personal financial plan, you may come up with your own different numbers if you choose to do so.
Create your own personal financial plan, you may come up with your own different numbers if you choose to do so.
May 6, 2020 Comments Off on Create your own personal financial plan, you may come up with your own different numbers if you choose to do so. Uncategorized Assignment-helpYour case project consist of you presenting your financial plan for Jane and Mark (or your own). Your written finance plan will be in essay format, single space in word document and you must answer each case project scenarios given in the personal finance management case. This project is an individual project. Therefore, you may create your personal financial plan and advising yourself in the different scenarios indicated in the project. See attachment in module 9 for Personal Finance Case Management Scenarios.Your assignment will be based on content; grammar and spelling; elaboration of scenarios according to content learned from the book; organization of your document with proper transition from each different scenarios. After this course, you will be able to advise others on personal finance planning. Remember, your project will be graded on the concepts you learned in the course. You may create your own personal financial plan, you may come up with your own different numbers if you choose to do so.