Describe Common Social, Civic, and Global Responsibility.
Describe Common Social, Civic, and Global Responsibility.
November 18, 2020 Comments Off on Describe Common Social, Civic, and Global Responsibility. Uncategorized Assignment-helpFor this assignment, you will explore (research, analyze, and explain) the role of inclusion in today’s K-12 setting in Arizona. EMCC defines a social, civic, or global issue as “An issue, event, or trend with social, civic, or global ramifications for a people, society, government, economy, or environment that can be analyzed from two or more viewpoints.”Inclusion is a hot topic in Arizona right now. Many school districts, yielding to parental requests and budgetary concerns, are moving towards full inclusion of all special education students. Yet teachers and their representative organizations are fighting it. Your task is to research this topic and answer the questions listed below.When researching the issue, you should find two or three sources, such as reputable online resources, library databases, journals, or scholarly texts. If you are an honors student and this is your honors project, one of the sources must be a current K-12 educator (teacher, special education teacher, or administrator).