Discuss about a PowerPoint presentation on a Later Adulthood issue of Caregiving responsibilities (some adults find themselves in the caregiver role for aging parents or spouses).

Discuss about a PowerPoint presentation on a Later Adulthood issue of Caregiving responsibilities (some adults find themselves in the caregiver role for aging parents or spouses).
December 14, 2023 Comments Off on Discuss about a PowerPoint presentation on a Later Adulthood issue of Caregiving responsibilities (some adults find themselves in the caregiver role for aging parents or spouses). best service Assignment-help
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Discuss about a PowerPoint presentation on a Later Adulthood issue of Caregiving responsibilities (some adults find themselves in the caregiver role for aging parents or spouses). The text lists various examples that you may utilize (see chapters 14-16). You may also choose one that is of importance to you as you view older adults and society today. Each issue should be based on later adulthood as defined in the text. Your idea for your final must be provided in the week 6 module for approval. You are to create and present your PowerPoint as if you are a Social Worker who is slated to present at a conference/seminar in order to educate, raise awareness and advocate for change on your later adulthood issue. You can upload a video using Teams, iMovie, etc. of you presenting your slides, or you can use the voice over option within PowerPoint of you presenting your information. You must have a title slide, minimum of 4-5 slides per numbered section below (in blue), followed by a reference slide. Make sure you use in-text citations in APA format for your slides just as you would with a paper. Resources should be not be more than 8 years old. Your textbook and professional journal articles from Troy library are appropriate to use and encouraged. Your resources should NOT consist of ONLY websites, or you will be penalized. Websites utilized can only come from .org, .edu, or .gov sites. 1) Title Slide – 3 points 2) Define the Issue – 25 points (a) What is the issue? (detail why and how; support/cite) (b) Who is impacted? (who is most at risk for this issue?) (c) Stats/data surrounding your issue; prevalence (should support the issue and who is impacted as stated in your previous slides) 3) What are the impacts? (physical, social, mental, emotional, occupational, financial, etc.; details should be cited/supported) – 25 points 4) What actions need to be taken to create positive change? – 25 points (a) Be specific (interventions, methods, strategies – as supported by research) (b) Education, resources (phone numbers, organization, websites, etc.), awareness (c) May include current info/resources available (d) May outline plan/need for resources to be created if lacking 5) Reference Slide & In-Text Citations on Slides (APA) – 7 points 6) Presentation – 15 points (clear, concise, does not read from the slides, etc.) Tips & Pointers – do not simply clump all of your information in one paragraph and slap it on a slide. Chunk up the information in an organized format with key highlights. I like pictures as it relates to the slides, but it is not necessary for every slide. You can even insert a video found if it is helpful and adds to your topic. Your presentation should not be you simply reading from the slides. Remember that this should be a professional presentation! What would you do to capture the audience’s interest?
