Discuss action plans that can be taken to strengthen the categories where there is opportunity for improvement.

Discuss action plans that can be taken to strengthen the categories where there is opportunity for improvement.
November 16, 2020 Comments Off on Discuss action plans that can be taken to strengthen the categories where there is opportunity for improvement. Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 130
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Your organization recently committed to measure and improve your workplace culture by conducting an employee engagement survey. As the HR Director, you just received the results of the survey. The survey results by general category and favorability score are as follows: Alignment with Organizational Vision: 80% Customer Focus: 94% Diversity and Inclusion: 61% Engagement Index: 58% Ethics: 70% Goals and Strategy: 82% Immediate Supervisor: 85% Pay and Benefits: 75% Senior Leadership Trust: 48% Teamwork: 55% Training and Development: 78%.Your task is to create an executive summary where you present the findings of the survey results: You should provide an introduction that explains why an engagement survey is important and review its purpose. Then, analyze the areas of strengths and the opportunities for improvement. Discuss action plans that can be taken to strengthen the categories where there is opportunity for improvement.