Discuss the different attitudes and views about the problem (as outlined in your research).

Discuss the different attitudes and views about the problem (as outlined in your research).
May 5, 2020 Comments Off on Discuss the different attitudes and views about the problem (as outlined in your research). Uncategorized Assignment-help
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Students will submit a research paper focusing on a current social problem that is of interest to you from your textbook. Clearly define the problem. Make sure to include elements of chapter one in your discussion. Discuss the different attitudes and views about the problem (as outlined in your research).Once you have identified and discussed the social problem, you will then expand your discussion on one particular organization that helps reduce or eliminate the social problem identified. Within your discussion of the social organization, please include the following:1. The name of the organization, its goals, and the mission statement.2. Its history3. The organization’s structure (where is it located, how many members does it have, and what tactics do they use?)