Discuss the need to feed the hungry in your community and volunteering at the Soup Kitchen or Salvation Army.

Discuss the need to feed the hungry in your community and volunteering at the Soup Kitchen or Salvation Army.
October 22, 2023 Comments Off on Discuss the need to feed the hungry in your community and volunteering at the Soup Kitchen or Salvation Army. best service Assignment-help
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Subject: best service

OVERVIEW The uploaded PowerPoint is a persuasive speech for a congregation or small group within your church. Your Persuasive Speech Assignment should include a PowerPoint presentation with at least six slides as a visual aid. The audience must be composed of at least five adults. INSTRUCTIONS See the below instructions in order to create an outline for the uploaded PowerPoint. Your purpose is to persuade or advocate a certain course of action within the church, and therefore, you will use the appropriate persuasive structure for your speech. Since you will be dealing with proposals of policy, your purpose is to get people to recognize a need within the church and implement your recommendation. You will not be given any credit for giving a sermon. You may use Scripture to support your ideas. You need to use a minimum of ten outside sources. These should be properly recorded in a bibliography. You should use a problem/solution, or Monroe’s Motivated Sequence patterning system for the body of your speech. Your goal is to present a problem, solve it, and get your audience to take the action you have recommended. Utilize the below topic for the speech: · The need to feed the hungry in your community and volunteering at the Soup Kitchen or Salvation Army. Create an outline of introduction, body and conclusion parts are fully developed. Body of the speech has at least three developed points using appropriate signposting and full sentence main-head points. APA signposting is appropriate. Reference Page is in APA form with appropriate number of entries from at least 10 sources. (Use the sources from the uploaded PowerPoint)
