Examine his conflicting thoughts using the soliloquys as the primary source of emotional information and argue whether, though sometimes contradictory, his logic is internally consistent.
Examine his conflicting thoughts using the soliloquys as the primary source of emotional information and argue whether, though sometimes contradictory, his logic is internally consistent.
May 6, 2020 Comments Off on Examine his conflicting thoughts using the soliloquys as the primary source of emotional information and argue whether, though sometimes contradictory, his logic is internally consistent. Uncategorized Assignment-helpWe know that Hamlet is confused because he speaks directly to us about his state of mind. Examine his conflicting thoughts using the soliloquys as the primary source of emotional information and argue whether, though sometimes contradictory, his logic is internally consistent. You will want to base your arguments on Aristotle’s principles of logic (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-logic/) and Shakespeare’s use of figurative language. You will also want to drawn from a number of scenes from the play to support your argument. Your annotated bibliography must include at least four scholarly, secondary sources in addition to an entry on whatever primary text you will be using. All sources must be authoritative (literary scholars and critics).