Explain Garcia Bedolla’s viewpoint about the connection between U.S. foreign policies and the waves of migration from Latin America.
Explain Garcia Bedolla’s viewpoint about the connection between U.S. foreign policies and the waves of migration from Latin America.
December 16, 2023 Comments Off on Explain Garcia Bedolla’s viewpoint about the connection between U.S. foreign policies and the waves of migration from Latin America. best service Assignment-helpGUIDELINES Written assignments are your analysis and reflections on the topics. Examine them from your perspective and understanding. Be clear, substantive and objective in your response. Edit your writing. You will write responses to two assignments. Answer the prompt fully. Do not copy or summarize the articles; rather write your reflections and reactions to the prompt. Support your response with historical evidence. Rubric and ancillary information appear below. Assignments should be typed, double space, 10-12 font, and at least three pages long and submit on the due dates. Substance and length count towards your score. Using a larger font, triple space and/or wide margins is not acceptable. Include your full name and the topic of the assignment. Do not exceed two lines. They do not count towards the length of the essay. Each assignment is scored on a maximum of 50 points. Write 3 pages or more SECOND ASSIGNMENT: USA AND LATIN AMERICA Due December 12. 2023 Are United States foreign policies toward Latin America partly responsible for the Latino waves of immigration to the United States? Read Garcia Bedolla article on “Latino Migration and U.S. Foreign Policy” Article is on Bb. You can also access it on this link: https://clas.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/publications/brlas-spring2009-garciabedolla.pdf Compare/contrast her views with Gonzalez(“Roots” in Harvest of Empire Explain Garcia Bedolla’s viewpoint about the connection between U.S. foreign policies and the waves of migration from Latin America. Do you agree or disagree with the views of the author? Express your point of view clearly – whether you agree or disagree with the claims made by the writers- and explain your reasons. Support your answer with examples from the texts.