Explain how the worldview of seventeenth century Englishmen and Indians in Virginia differed from each other?
Explain how the worldview of seventeenth century Englishmen and Indians in Virginia differed from each other?
November 17, 2020 Comments Off on Explain how the worldview of seventeenth century Englishmen and Indians in Virginia differed from each other? Uncategorized Assignment-helpExplain how the worldview of seventeenth century Englishmen and Indians in Virginia differed from each other?* How did the English view life and the world in general, particularly their vision of the land and man’s role in it. How did the Indians view the world and life, and how did they envision the landscape and man’s role in it?*Explain how religion shaped the way Englishmen and Indians organized their societies in early 17th century Virginia? *Elaborate into their respective social organization.Explain and elaborate in depth the religious belief systems of both Englishmen and Indians in early 17th century Virginia.*Explain how these differences (social and religious) made the encounters of Englishmen and Indians quite rough. In other words, how did religious differences lead to mutual misunderstanding and competition?