Explain in your own words what the different plate tectonics boundaries are.
Explain in your own words what the different plate tectonics boundaries are.
November 18, 2020 Comments Off on Explain in your own words what the different plate tectonics boundaries are. Uncategorized Assignment-helpExam 3 – Environmental Science Fall 2020All answers must be typed and it must be passed in Name: Five Point Questions: Total 35 points – Answer all but 7 out of 8 questions in this section. If you answer the extra one it will be worth up to 5pts extra credit.1. Describe one technique in restoration ecology with an example and the proper term word. Then explain the drawbacks of that technique (5pts)2. Explain in your own words what the different plate tectonics boundaries are. Then using the map found at the link below give a specific location latitude and longitude of each type of boundary (5pts). (https://www.duplinschools.net/cms/lib/NC01001360/Centricity/Domain/413/Plate-Lab-Table-.pdf — found on last page of this link) 3. List and explain two mining methods and discuss the pros and cons associated with each (5pts).4. Why do people confuse the terms weather and climate? How are they different? What would you say to someone who asked “If global warming is occurring, why was it so cold in Florida on January 15th?” (5pts)?5. What evidence is there that human activity has had an influence on the current concentrations of atmospheric trace gases? (5pts)6. Explain what a fossil fuel is exactly and where they come from (not a list of the types), why they are considered non-renewable, and how we extract and use coal OR oil (5pts).7. Explain the process of fracking and give your opinion on the debate of this method.8. What alternative energy sources (not the conventional types) are most useful in our region and climate? Why?