How are you able to determine the cuticle and medulla classifications?

How are you able to determine the cuticle and medulla classifications?
November 19, 2020 Comments Off on How are you able to determine the cuticle and medulla classifications? Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 495
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

ADDITIONAL WORK / EXTRA PAGES: Information: Lab 3 can be found below, under Week 5 Learning Resources -> Trace Evidence Lab Module -> Lab: Hair and Week 5 Learning Resources -> Trace Evidence Lab Module -> Lab: Fibers. Yes, you need to complete both the Hair Lab and the Fiber Lab for full credit. (log in information is the same )
Information: For Lab 3, you cannot save where you left off in the task. Therefore, I would recommend planning about 2-3 hours to complete each electronic portion (or at least 4-6 hours total to complete the entire lab). You can go back and finalize your data and report outside of that time.
Information: Lab 3 does not have a set of blank notes that you can work from. You want to use the general template from Lab 1. As you write your step-by-step procedures, pay close attention to the directions that you are given to do in the lab. You can use these for inspiration for your procedures.
Hint: You will need multiple hypotheses for Lab 3. The Hair Lab starts out: “Part I: Cuticle Classification.” Each “Part” to the labs needs a new hypothesis. So, every time you move onto a new “Part” for both the Hair and Fiber Labs, make sure you develop a new hypothesis.
REQUIREMENT: You will generate data for Lab 3 in the form of sketches that you need to turn in (embed in your Word or pdf document for your Notes). You will also generate spectra and sketches in the Fibers lab that you must also embed in your Notes. If you do not submit these, you will lose most of your (20) data points. Please do not submit those sketches and spectra as separate files…that will also lose you points. Each sketch and spectrum should be embedded into your Notes.
REQUIREMENT and Hints: Make sure in your Notes to DISCUSS your results. This is really one of the most important aspects of your Notes. You need to describe what you are viewing and what it means. How are you able to determine the cuticle and medulla classifications? How are you able to include or exclude the hairs? What are you seeing under the microscope when examining the fibers? What are you seeing on the spectra you are examining (both IR and visible) that allows you to include or exclude?
REQUIREMENT: You also need to describe your sketches and spectra. It is not enough to just embed them… They all need labels (let the reader know what each is) and a description (including why the sketch or spectrum is important).
REQUIREMENT: Be sure that you transfer all of the information from your Lab 3 Analysis Request form directly into your report.
REQUIREMENT: Remember to include all of your results, including your interim results, in the Results section of your Lab Report. Every item of evidence needs a result.
REQUIREMENT: Don’t forget to include your Report conclusion where you restate your hypotheses and include at least 4 sources of error.