How does the integration of wearable devices affect patient engagement?

How does the integration of wearable devices affect patient engagement?
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Assignment Question

RESEARCH QUESTION: how does the integration of wearable devices affect patient engagement? HYPOTHESIS: The integration of wearable devices in healthcare leads to increased patient engagement, as evidenced by improved adherence to health-related activities, enhanced self-monitoring behaviors, and a greater sense of empowerment and involvement in personal healthcare management.” I have already found some sources that could be used so I will share those: Azodo, I., Williams, R., Sheikh, A., & Cresswell, K. (2020). Opportunities and challenges surrounding the use of data from wearable sensor devices in Health Care: Qualitative Interview Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10). Bhatt, V. and Chakraborty, S. (2023), “Improving service engagement in healthcare through internet of things based healthcare systems”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy ManagementLinks to an external site., Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 53-73. to an external site. Chan, M., Estève, D., Fourniols, J.-Y., Escriba, C., & Campo, E. (2012). Smart wearable systems: Current status and future challenges. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 56(3), 137–156. to an external site. Dinh-Le, C., Chuang, R., Chokshi, S., & Mann, D. (2019). Wearable Health Technology and Electronic Health Record Integration: Scoping Review and future directions. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(9). Jo, A., Coronel, B. D., Coakes, C. E., & Mainous, A. G. (2019). Is there a benefit to patients using wearable devices such as Fitbit or health apps on mobiles? A systematic review. The American Journal of Medicine, 132(12). Links to an external site. Lanata, A. (2022). Wearable Systems for Home Monitoring Healthcare: The Photoplethysmography Success Pros and Cons. Biosensors, 12(10), 861. to an external site. Maetzler, W., Domingos, J., Srulijes, K., Ferreira, J. J., & Bloem, B. R. (2013). Quantitative wearable sensors for objective assessment of parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 28(12), 1628–1637. McCallum, C., Rooksby, J., & Gray, C. M. (2018). Evaluating the impact of Physical Activity Apps and wearables: Interdisciplinary review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(3). Omoloja, A., & Vundavalli, S. (2021). Patient generated health data: Benefits and challenges. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, 51(11), 101103. Pal, D., Vanijja, V., Arpnikanondt, C., Zhang, X., & Papasratorn, B. (2019). A quantitative approach for evaluating the quality of experience of smart-wearables from the quality of data and quality of information: AN END user perspective. IEEE Access, 7, 64266–64278. Sarmento, A., Vignati, C., Paolillo, S., Lombardi, C., Scoccia, A., Nicoli, F., Mapelli, M., Leonardi, A., Ossola, D., Rigoni, R., Agostoni, P., & Aliverti, A. (2018). Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a new wearable device for ECG and respiratory Holter Monitoring. International Journal of Cardiology, 272, 231–237.

Introduction: 40 • Overview (some general information about research topic with citations from relevant papers) • Significance for study described (use statistics to support your arguments; You must have citations from other papers required). • Research problems (Multiple in text citations from other papers required). • Contributions (Multiple in text citations from other papers required). Literature Review: 40 • Provide theories for your research (Multiple in text citations from other papers required). • Find and summarize relevant prior studies (Multiple in text citations from other papers required). • Critically evaluate prior studies (strengths, weaknesses) • Identify research gap (Multiple in text citations from other papers required) Hypothesis development 40 • Summary of the proposed theoretical model • Rational argument/justification for each stated hypothesis (Multiple in text citations from other papers required, in text citation for every logical sentence is required). • Clear statement of the hypothesis (must be empirically testable). • An stated direction for each proposed hypothesis (Negative or positive) Research method and data collection design. 40 • Target population identified/described. • Data collection tool described (Multiple in text citations from other papers required; Use other sources as benchmark). • When, how, who of data collection identified • Potential impact on setting addressed Preparation 406 • References congruent with proposal & adheres to latest APA format • Uses primary sources • Paraphrases the information with few quotes from original sources • Grammar, sentence structure is correct, and ideas organized & clearly expressed Total Points 200 Notes: ***In text citations must be used profusely, for every sentence or every other sentence or argument used, you must provide an intext citation. ***Lack of sufficient in-text citation would result in losing all point
