Identify a situation or circumstance in which you failed to use critical thinking skills, to your detriment, likewise explaining the nature of the situation or circumstance in question, the critical thinking skills neglected or misapplied and how the neglect or misapplication of those critical thinking skills contributed to a negative outcome.
Identify a situation or circumstance in which you failed to use critical thinking skills, to your detriment, likewise explaining the nature of the situation or circumstance in question, the critical thinking skills neglected or misapplied and how the neglect or misapplication of those critical thinking skills contributed to a negative outcome.
June 16, 2020 Comments Off on Identify a situation or circumstance in which you failed to use critical thinking skills, to your detriment, likewise explaining the nature of the situation or circumstance in question, the critical thinking skills neglected or misapplied and how the neglect or misapplication of those critical thinking skills contributed to a negative outcome. Uncategorized Assignment-helpYour essay should cover three main areas of focus.(1) First, identify a situation or circumstance-professional or personal-in which you successfully applied critical thinking skills to achieve a positive outcome, indicating and explaining in detail the nature of the situation or circumstance, the particular critical thinking skills involved in achieving a positive outcome(logic, objectivity, metacognition, resistance or avoidance of habits that hinder thinking) and how the successful application of those critical thinking skills led to that positive outcome.(2) Identify a situation or circumstance in which you failed to use critical thinking skills, to your detriment, likewise explaining the nature of the situation or circumstance in question, the critical thinking skills neglected or misapplied and how the neglect or misapplication of those critical thinking skills contributed to a negative outcome.(3) Finally, identify and discuss ways in which you see critical thinking as relevant or useful in your life at present, as well as any applications of critical thinking skills you anticipate for your future endeavors and pursuits, indicating how you plan to incorporate or exercise critical thinking skills now and in the future to help yourself with the various challenges and opportunities you are currently facing, or which you anticipate facing in the coming months and years.