Identify and discuss three main ideas or points from the readings (short paragraph for each idea/poin)2).

Identify and discuss three main ideas or points from the readings (short paragraph for each idea/poin)2).
May 6, 2020 Comments Off on Identify and discuss three main ideas or points from the readings (short paragraph for each idea/poin)2). Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 86
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

1) identify and discuss three main ideas or points from the readings (short paragraph for each idea/poin)2) 1-2 paragraphs of your personal reflections, perspectives or opinions on the readings3) frame(I.e. contextualize your questions) and pose two questions from the readings. Explain why you’re asking the questions, what information in the reading is promoting your question. This seems like a lot but it only needs to be a page. I uploaded a word doc to read the pages that I uploaded. No sources necessary.