Identify how Training, Fire prevention efforts, additional resources, Emergency Incident Management, codes and ordinances and Emergency Operation had or could have had an effect on this incident .

Identify how Training, Fire prevention efforts, additional resources, Emergency Incident Management, codes and ordinances and Emergency Operation had or could have had an effect on this incident .
May 13, 2020 Comments Off on Identify how Training, Fire prevention efforts, additional resources, Emergency Incident Management, codes and ordinances and Emergency Operation had or could have had an effect on this incident . Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 76
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Instructions: Select two similar firefighter fatalities (example: Firefighter kill from building collapse, while responding to an incident, or trapped while fighting the fire etc) Give a brief synopsis of each incident Identify similarities or dissimilarities between the incidents. Identify how Training, Fire prevention efforts, additional resources, Emergency Incident Management, codes and ordinances and Emergency Operation had or could have had an effect on this incident How has these deaths changed the fire service and it culture