In the complicity of siblinghood, of aloneness and unrootedness, Amal loved David instinctively” (270). What does this mean?
In the complicity of siblinghood, of aloneness and unrootedness, Amal loved David instinctively” (270). What does this mean?
November 16, 2020 Comments Off on In the complicity of siblinghood, of aloneness and unrootedness, Amal loved David instinctively” (270). What does this mean? Uncategorized Assignment-helpEssay Due: Sunday 11/22 by 11:59pm Please write a 5 page essay on Susan Abulhawa’s novel, Mornings in Jenin. What does it mean to be a Palestinian? How does Abulhawa uncover, provoke, refute or affirm our stereotypes of Palestinians? In order to answer this, think about the thought Amal had upon first meeting David, “You and I are the remains of an unfulfilled legacy, heirs to a kingdom of stolen identities and ragged confusion. In the complicity of siblinghood, of aloneness and unrootedness, Amal loved David instinctively” (270). What does this mean? Who is a Palestinian? To better understand these questions, please track one or two (interrelated) themes through the novel: Dispossession of land Dispossession of self Exile (immigration/displacement/westernization/Americanization) The persistence of culture and tradition even through exile and displacement Family (immediate and connected) Grief/Loss Normalcy/Being Present in the Moment Love Justice and injustice Physical and psychological effects of war Dehumanization vs. humanization Victimization Religion/cultural traditions/food The individual versus the universal Coming of age, stages of life Anti-semitism/Anti-Arab Terrorism Americanization Literature (poetry, letters, media, news articles, novels, books, learning) In writing this essay, please track the theme through the beginning (first 1/3), middle (2nd third) and end (last third) of the novel (you must write about all parts of the novel. If you only focus on parts in the beginning, I’ll know you only read the beginning!). Pay specific attention to specific symbols that reappear, specific narrative strategies (switching of narrative voice from third to first to third person), integration of source material, etc, to back up your claims.