Is there a responsability as a society for homeless people?
Is there a responsability as a society for homeless people?
January 11, 2024 Comments Off on Is there a responsability as a society for homeless people? best service, homework expert, Professional Service Assignment-helpAssignment Question
Joe was laid off two years ago at the auto repair company where he had worked for fifteen years. For the first year he tried to get another job. He read the want ads and left his application at local employment agencies. After that, he gave up. He had little savings and soon had no money for rent. He has been homeless now for about a year. He will not live in the shelters because they are crowded, noisy, and unsafe. As time goes by, he has less and less chance of getting back to where he was before. When he can, he drinks to forget the past and escape from the present. Other people he meets on the streets are mentally disabled or psychologically disturbed. He realizes that the city does some things to try to help people like him, but there is little money and the numbers of homeless people seem to be growing. Does society have any responsibility to do anything for people like Joe? Why or why not? How would a libertarian and an egalitarian differ in the way they would answer this question?
Add 2 files for the citations from the textbook: Lewis Vaughn, Doing Ethics: Theory, Moral Reasoning, and Contemporary Issues, 6th Ed (W. W. Norton & Company, 2021) (ISBN: 978-0393885903).