Satchmo Blows Up The World: Jazz Ambassadors play the cold world.
Satchmo Blows Up The World: Jazz Ambassadors play the cold world.
June 16, 2020 Comments Off on Satchmo Blows Up The World: Jazz Ambassadors play the cold world. Uncategorized Assignment-help Questions:1. How was jazz music used as an ambassador for the United States? What were the goals of the State Department in sending Jazz musicians overseas? Was it successful?2. How did the musicians experience the tours differently from The Sate Department’s intentions? Did the musicians have their own opinions on what was happening? Were there contradictions between what the musicians thought and what the State Department seemed to think?3. How did the civil rights movement in the United States affect and /or influence the state department sponsored jazz tours overseas? Was it different for the musicians from what the State Department intended?4. Once we get into the 1970s or even in the 1980s with President Reagan, how do the tours change? Do the goals of the tours change? For the musicians or for the State Department?5. What do you think using Jazz and African American musicians to promote democracy and other USA ideals says about race relations in the United States? The hypocrisies and contradictions? How might this relate to racial issues in the United States “today?”