Smartphones are good for ushow doThey make life easier.

Smartphones are good for ushow doThey make life easier.
December 6, 2023 Comments Off on Smartphones are good for ushow doThey make life easier. Homework-help, IT management, Professional Service, sample questions Assignment-help

Write two missions Mission 1 Write a paragraph of 180-200 words about this topic (Smartphones are good for us. They make life easier.)

1- Make sure to include a topic sentence

2- Make sure to include a concludisng sentence

3- Use one or two of the following phrases ( I think / I believe / in my opinion / I personally feel that / it seems to me that )

Mission 2 Write another paragraph of 180-200 words about this topic (Smartphones are good for us. They make life easier.)

1- Make sure to include a topic sentence

2- Make sure to include a concluding sentence

3- Use one or two of the following phrases ( I think / I believe / in my opinion / I personally feel that / it seems to me that ) You have to use at least 6 of the following keywords secret (adj) email address (n) advertisement (n) influence (v) free (adj) security (n) smartphone (n) imagination (n) software (n) improvement ( v) video game (n)creative (adj) interest (n) website (n) download (v) record (v) educational (adj)

IMPORTANT NOTES: Note: The text should look as if it is written by a very young school student NOT a professor, so please keep the language as simple as possible because the text is going to be used by young students. Of course, with taking care of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Note: Use subject pronouns ( I / we / they )

Note: The sentences should to be direct, used simple tenses and avoid passive voice as possible

NOTE : The text has to be FREE from plagiarism.

