Think about the smartest person you know.Write a response explaining why this person’s smart and, based on your readings, what psychological principles contribute to their intelligence. Were they born that way?
Home › Uncategorized › Think about the smartest person you know.Write a response explaining why this person’s smart and, based on your readings, what psychological principles contribute to their intelligence. Were they born that way?
Think about the smartest person you know.Write a response explaining why this person’s smart and, based on your readings, what psychological principles contribute to their intelligence. Were they born that way?
May 6, 2020 Comments Off on Think about the smartest person you know.Write a response explaining why this person’s smart and, based on your readings, what psychological principles contribute to their intelligence. Were they born that way? Uncategorized Assignment-helpSTEP 1: Think about the smartest person you know. Who is it? In what ways are they smart? What do they do that sets them apart in intelligence?STEP 2: Write a response explaining why this person’s smart and, based on your readings, what psychological principles contribute to their intelligence. Were they born that way? Which type of intelligence would Gardner say they possess the most of? Are they also creative or do they have high emotional intelligence?