What do you think would be the possible future of global supply?

What do you think would be the possible future of global supply?
June 18, 2020 Comments Off on What do you think would be the possible future of global supply? Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 161
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Global Supply What do you think would be the possible future of global supply? Contemplate the concepts in this course and the aspects surrounding the issues of a global supply network. Since companies are still going through the pandemic originated issues of stockouts etc., a lot has to be written how this will turn out. Would supply sources become more local? Is this even possible given the entrenched supply network that is largely dispersed globally? What about the raw material sources including natural minerals, deposits etc. that only exist in certain parts of the world?Reflect on these issues for the discussion forum. In your OC post, you must research and discuss about one specific company, product or industry. Base the discussions on that example, The VACs can build on that by comparing other products/industries to the OC example. Or, the VACs can add to the content in the OCs.book:https://intel-writers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Purchasing-and-Supply-Management-16th-Edition-by-P.-Fraser-Johnson-Work-Content.pdf