What does your study tell us about communication more generally? In other words, what are the implications of this study for communication?

What does your study tell us about communication more generally? In other words, what are the implications of this study for communication?
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Assignment Question

Qualitative Research Paper is supposed be 12-15 pages long. Write the analysis section, discussion and conclusion.

1) Introduction (see grade sheet)

2) Methods (see grade sheet)

3) Analysis – THIS IS THE MAIN body of your paper. It should be no less than 6-7 pages where you go through and explain at least 3 themes that arose in your data. Each section should be adequately defended through the use of transcript, field note, and qualitative survey excerpts.

4) Discussion – This should be at least 2-4 paragraphs addressing the following: So what’s the main point of ALL of your results? Tie together your claims in a meaningful way. Answer your research question again and reiterate your thesis (tying together the claims). What does your study tell us about communication more generally? In other words, what are the implications of this study for communication? What were some limitations of your study (what could you do in future research both to make this kind of study better/more extensive and how would you suggest future research in this area should go?) Say more than just, we didn’t have enough time or people. Talk about extending your research.

5) Conclusion – Overall wrap-up – don’t just end mid-idea. This file needs to be edited and finished: Literature Review.docx Qual Project.pdf – The analysis page has the quotes. This is an example of a qualitative research paper.
