What is a feature of this restaurant of the future that you believe you would like and why?

What is a feature of this restaurant of the future that you believe you would like and why?
November 17, 2020 Comments Off on What is a feature of this restaurant of the future that you believe you would like and why? Uncategorized Assignment-help
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Week 13 Discussion Board. . 1) Review the video below and answer the questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEWJ-S_mkko The Restaurant of the Future. 1. Name the 5 characteristics of the customer per the video (2 points).. A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. 2. What 2 characteristics/needs of the customer in the video do you align with and why? One should be related to technology (2 points).. A.. B.. 2) Watch this next short video below and answer the questions.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V8Q23GTCfs. 1. Each question is worth 1 point. . A. What is a feature of this restaurant of the future that you believe you would like and why?. B. What is a feature of this restaurant of the future that you believe you would not like and why?. 3) Watch the longer video below. Each question is worth 1 point.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j677PxZWifM Vending Machine Restaurant in Japan. 1. Name something you like about this option and why?. A. . 2. Name something you do not like about this option and why?. A.. . 3. Good option in the world of COVID-19 or not and why.. A.. 4. There are numerous parts of this experience that would need to change due to COVID-1dfp9. Name 2 of them and why.. A.. B.