What is “cognitive bias”? What are the kinds of cognitive bias?

What is “cognitive bias”? What are the kinds of cognitive bias?
May 14, 2020 Comments Off on What is “cognitive bias”? What are the kinds of cognitive bias? Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 301
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

A. Essay Section. Expect to write 2-4 short paragraphs. Give detail. Give specific examples. Think about Francis Bacon’s Idols, cog bias ppt, fallacies, issues we have discussed:1. What is “cognitive bias”? What are the kinds of cognitive bias? Give examples of cognitive bias “in action,” in specific situations. In light of our discussions this semester, is it useful to learn how to detect cognitive bias? In other words, can we become better critical thinkers? Use specific examples. B.Argument Analysis:For the following:a.standardize the argument. In other words, put it into premise and conclusion form.b. Analyze the argument. Think about whether the premises are: acceptable (we should believe they are true), relevant (they actually matter to the conclusion and aren’t an attempt to trick us) and Is this a good argument? c.What are its weaknesses? Can you suggest a good counterargument to it? d.Should we accept the argument? here the 3 arguments:1. From an online ad for credit cards:A student credit card can be a good way of paying for things while you’re at university – you get up to 56 days to pay off whatever you spend on it before you have to pay any interest. Some student credit cards come with exclusive discounts which can help you to save money. If you use it the right way, a student credit card can help you to get into good payment habits, and build up a good credit rating for when you leave university. The credit card companies are working to help you! All students should apply for a card today. It’s in your own best interest!2. Thomas is starting up a small IT business in Toronto. He will assemble a team of coders and designers who provide web solutions to online retailers (stores).