What more would you like to learn about your topic? Write a short discussion paragraph(s) of what you learned about the research process during this semester. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a researcher.
What more would you like to learn about your topic? Write a short discussion paragraph(s) of what you learned about the research process during this semester. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a researcher.
December 5, 2023 Comments Off on What more would you like to learn about your topic? Write a short discussion paragraph(s) of what you learned about the research process during this semester. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a researcher. best service Assignment-helpAssignment Question
Write a 1000-1500 word APA style research paper which addresses the research question you developed over the semester based on instructor feedback. This question and paper must relate to your UNSDG, the targets and indicators you selected and the specific question your wrote. If your instructor asked you to revise your question for your final paper please use that revision. A college-level research paper should have at least 2 new sources cited per page so you should have at minimum 6 sources cited in your paper. (C work has 6 sources. A work has 8-ish, it depends on the needs of the paper and the topic.) The paper will be in APA 7th edition style. Proper English spelling and grammar are required. The paper should be in Times New Roman 12 point font, and double spaced. The cover page, bibliography, long quotes, and images, graphs, or charts do not figure into the page count. It is worth knowing that typically a 1000 word paper shows that you did C work at best. Conversely, going over 1500 words often indicates that your question was too broad and you didn’t have good control over what you were writing. Longer does not always equal better. To see an example of a good research paper in APA 7th edition on page 372-378. It must contain: Cover page 1000-1500 words of text APA 7th edition style In-Text Citations & Bibliography Self-evaluation attached after the bibliography. Questions to be answered provided below. The title of your paper must be your research question. If you update your question after Journal 3, be sure to use the updated question as your title. The only content that count towards the required word count for this paper is the body of your paper which answers your research question. Items not counted towards the word count are; an abstract, graphs, charts, images, and your self evaluation. The self-evaluation is part of your overall grade but has a separate grading area in the rubric. It may contain: Abstract Graphs or charts Images APA says you may have an abstract. I do not require an abstract. It is up to you if you want to include one. Often having an abstract indicates attention to detail which reflects favorably on your work. Also being able to write an abstract about your paper means you have a good handle on the material and what you wrote. If you can’t write an abstract you need to reread your paper and possibly rewrite some or all of it to make it more focused and clear. Graphs, charts, or images look nice but should only be used if they are necessary to inform your reader. Any space they take up will not count toward your word count. Don’t rely on them to fill up your paper. Your Sources: You must cite in the text a minimum of 8 sources for 4 pages of text. For each additional page you need an additional 2 sources per page at the very least. The majority of these sources should be academic in nature unless already cleared with me. That means that most of you sources should not be websites, or from social media. Use the USF Library databases to search for more appropriate sources. UN, UN related agencies, and government information counts as academic for this paper. If you didn’t find usable sources when completing your research journal try changing your keywords and/or the databases you searched. Much of your research should already be done and material you use should come from some of the sources you located and evaluated in Research Journals 2 and 3. However you probably have identified areas that are lacking so more research may be necessary. Remember good college-level research relies less on Google and more on databases because you need peer-reviewed materials. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask! Remember there is the Final Paper discussion board you can use. Self-evaluation Questions – Title this page which should come after your bibliography Appendix 1. In an essay to follow your bibliography (starting on a new page) answer the following questions. Write a short discussion paragraph(s) about your research question/topic. Explain how you came to choose that topic or query. Discuss how your question/topic changed as you moved through the semester. If it didn’t change discuss that instead. You may draw from your previous research journals but do not just copy/paste from them. Write a short discussion paragraph(s) of what you learned about your topic from your research. What more would you like to learn about your topic? Write a short discussion paragraph(s) of what you learned about the research process during this semester. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a researcher.