What must large- and medium-sized Canadian cities do in order to remain driving forces for change and innovation in a knowledge-based global economy?

What must large- and medium-sized Canadian cities do in order to remain driving forces for change and innovation in a knowledge-based global economy?
November 17, 2020 Comments Off on What must large- and medium-sized Canadian cities do in order to remain driving forces for change and innovation in a knowledge-based global economy? Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 84
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Please answer one of the following questions:1. What must large- and medium-sized Canadian cities do in order to remain driving forces for change and innovation in a knowledge-based global economy?2. Speculate on the future of Canada’s position internationally in terms of global, political, and economic conditions.3. How will issues such as Arctic sovereignty, the protectionist tendencies of President Trump, and globalization affect Canada internally?4. Atlantic Canada has long benefited from Equalization Payments. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Explain your position