What the authors you researched state about the impact of the information they present on early childhood (how children learn, how teachers teach, etc.) .
What the authors you researched state about the impact of the information they present on early childhood (how children learn, how teachers teach, etc.) .
February 27, 2024 Comments Off on What the authors you researched state about the impact of the information they present on early childhood (how children learn, how teachers teach, etc.) . Do My assignment Assignment-helpECED 3160 Body / Brain Based Learning PAPER / PORTFOLIO ARTIFACT (75 points)
TOPIC Brain Development (in specific stages, i.e. infant, toddlers, school age)
Each candidate will complete an individual project. This written paper will include information on the body/brain relationship and the impact it has on the learning process in an early childhood classroom. Phase one of this assignment includes learning about locating sources, APA and writing annotated bibliographies. Annotated Bibliographies are due on March 2. The annotated bibliographies are worth 30 of the 75 points. The final paper is due on April 10 and is worth 45 additional points. This paper should be placed in the candidate’s professional portfolio.
Please see the detailed information on D2L. (COE – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) (NAEYC – 1, 4, 5) • Annotated Bibliographies due March 2– 30 points • Final Paper due on April 10 – 45 points Guidelines for writing the paper:
1. You will locate books or articles on a topic related to the body/brain relationship and its impact on learning (make sure to get your instructor’s approval on the topic before starting the paper (no later than Feb. 18th) . Email instructor for approval.
2. You must use 3 references beyond the textbooks:
a. You may or may not use any or all of the textbooks
b. More than three scholarly resources
3. You will initially complete 3 annotated bibliographies, 1 for each of your scholarly resources
4. You will then write a paper 3-5 pages in length that incorporates the information from your research and annotated bibliographies.
a. You can also locate an APA manual at the Sherrod Library.
b. If you need help with this APA format, please go to the Writing Center at Sherrod Library for help.
Introduction to Research Paper:
1. Pick a topic and get approval from your instructor no later than Feb. 18th
2. Please be sure to review the APA format documents
3. Following approval from instructor work with the librarian online to help you select your resources a. Locate scholarly sources b. Be sure they match your topic needs
4. If you don’t find sources to match your needs, locate 3 other related sources get approval from your instructor to change your topic Phase one – write three annotated bibliographies (due in Dropbox on March 2)
Write one annotated bibliography for each of the 3 scholarly resources that are required. For each annotated bibliography
a. Write out the citation and below it, write: i. i. Three brief paragraphs on your article (source)
1. Paragraph one- purpose statement: What is this about? Purpose of article and the study. Discuss VERY BRIEFLY in your words
2. Paragraph two-reliability & validity statement: How reliable is this study or material presented in the study? What are YOUR questions about how good this study is?
3. Paragraph three-application statement: How does this relate to YOUR needs or practice, as a teacher or a student of ECED?
b. Submit the three annotated bibliographies in one Word document in the Dropbox on March 6th . Phase two – write a paper (due April 10)
1. Introduction:
a. The paper will start with an introduction that introduces the reader to the issues you will be covering
2. The body of the paper will include:
a. Background information on brain-based research that you have read in your scholarly resources. You can also include information from your textbooks
b. What the authors you researched state about the impact of the information they present on early childhood (how children learn, how teachers teach, etc.)
c. Your critical reflection of the research, and what you think about the impact of the information you researched on early childhood (how children learn, how teachers teach, etc.)
3. Conclusion:
a. A brief summary
b. State any new questions that you may have about where this research may lead for future educators and children’s learning / development.
A helpful Resource List – You can also find other books if they are helpful Caine, R.N., & Caine, (1994). Making connections: Teaching and the human brain. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley. Diamond, M., & Hopson, J. (1998). Magic trees of the mind. New York: Dutton Books, Penguin-Putnam Books. Dunn, K., & Dunn, R. (1992). Bringing out the giftedness in your child. New York: John Wiley. G.Gibbs, J. (1995). Tribes: A new way of learning and being together. Sausalito, CA: Centersource Systems. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. Healy, J. (1994). Your child’s growing mind. New York: Doubleday.
Hyerle, D. (1996). Visual tools for constructing knowledge. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Jensen, E. (2000). Brain-based learning. San Diego, CA: The Brain Store.
Kovalik, S., & Olsen, K. (2001). Exceeding expectations: A user’s guide to implementing brain research in the classroom. Covington, WA: Books for Educators.
Nelsen, J., Lott, L., & Glenn, S. (2000). Positive discipline in the classroom. Roseville, CA: Prima. Sylwester, R. (1995). A celebration of neurons. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Research Paper