Why was the Warsaw Royal Castle so important to the Nazis to destroy and so important for the Polish to preserve?

Why was the Warsaw Royal Castle so important to the Nazis to destroy and so important for the Polish to preserve?
May 5, 2020 Comments Off on Why was the Warsaw Royal Castle so important to the Nazis to destroy and so important for the Polish to preserve? Uncategorized Assignment-help
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Normally we would watch this documentary in class and discuss. Most people do not know that while the Nazi’s were responsible for the deaths of millions of people across Europe, they also systematically plundered Europe’s greatest art collections. The video below, The Rape of Europa documents the large scale looting of Europe’s art.https://tubitv.com/movies/314069/the_rape_of_europa (Links to an external site.)Answer the questions below and submit in the form of a word document. 1.What did Hitler think about modern art and what name did he give to it?2. After his visit to Italy, what did Hitler decide to build?3. Why was the Warsaw Royal Castle so important to the Nazis to destroy and so important for the Polish to preserve?4. What measures did the Louvre take to save their collection? What was special about the way the Mona Lisa travelled?5. Why did Hitler decide not to destroy Paris? 6. Who was Rose Valland and what did she do?7. Why was this the first war that there was a concern about preserving art and monuments during fighting?8. Why was Florence so important to protect from being destroyed?9. Who were the young artists, art historians, and curators in the American army?10. What was Hitler’s last wish?11. What reasons did the Russian government give for not returning the art that they stole from Germany during the war?