Wria a personal response that reflects on what you think’s Defoe’s narrative has to say to the situation we are living through today in NYC.
Wria a personal response that reflects on what you think’s Defoe’s narrative has to say to the situation we are living through today in NYC.
May 14, 2020 Comments Off on Wria a personal response that reflects on what you think’s Defoe’s narrative has to say to the situation we are living through today in NYC. Uncategorized Assignment-helpPersonal Reflection on Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year in the Time of COVID19.Now that we have read and discussed Defoe’s remarkable account of the 1665 Great Plague of London.Wria a personal response that reflects on what you think’s Defoe’s narrative has to say to the situation we are living through today in NYC..To write this essay, please select at least two passages from the text that you think are especially relevant to your experience. Begin by describing the passage and explaining where it occurs in the narrative. Then analyze the passages: what do they say, exactly, and what are their significance in the narrative that Defoe is writing? Conclude your essay by shifting to the personal. How do these passages speak to you, and what insight to they shed on our lives right now. Great efforts here will demonstrate a clear grasp of Defoe’s text and quote and analyze specific details. But most of all they will speak from the heart.In order to obtaim Defoes reading here is the link and sign in information.Thank you