Write a literature review for a research based dissertation on the topic of exploring children’s level of confidence in primary school maths in a year 4 class.
Write a literature review for a research based dissertation on the topic of exploring children’s level of confidence in primary school maths in a year 4 class.
November 28, 2023 Comments Off on Write a literature review for a research based dissertation on the topic of exploring children’s level of confidence in primary school maths in a year 4 class. best service Assignment-helpThis literature review must be written in British English and make reference to UK based policy and practice where necessary. Write a literature review for a research based dissertation on the topic of exploring children’s level of confidence in primary school maths in a year 4 class. The review must: • Explain how the texts discussed were identified and dealt with by the researcher. • Situate the research in the context of existing knowledge and ideas. • Tell the reader what the key debates are…and what you think about them. • Explain how the review has provided the space for your research – paving the ground for your research questions. • Be so relevant that you will refer to key sources/points in the discussion of your findings. For reference, the research questions for this dissertation are: 1. What are teachers’ perspectives on the impact of gender on confidence levels in primary school mathematics? 2. What are children’s perspectives of their own confidence levels in year 4 maths? 3. How do teachers feel they can best develop maths confidence for all pupils? • Think about the overall structure of the review: using subheadings for each major section is likely to help. • Make sure that the ‘big idea’ in each section is captured in the first line of the first paragraph: try putting this framing sentence in bold while you are working on it as that will help you to clarify and focus. • Only use a direct quote if you can’t find a better way of putting it or if it is really important/the best way to say it. In all other cases save words and paraphrase/sum up. • All long quotes should be indented and fully referenced in Harvard style.