Write a research paper on the following topic: Why did Canadian workers start to dislike Chinese immigrants?

Write a research paper on the following topic: Why did Canadian workers start to dislike Chinese immigrants?
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Write a research paper on the following topic: Why did Canadian workers start to dislike Chinese immigrants?George Brown College is planning to host a competition called GBC Presents. Modeled after CBC Reads, GBC Presents will be a debate over what source the entire GBC community should consume because the writer’s message and communication strategies are impactful. While many sources are proposed for the GBC Presents competition, only five are shortlisted. For its first edition, the sources proposed are:

There’s No Such Thing as Work-Life Balance in the Restaurant Industry L. Agrba
The Politics of Food – Part 1 J. Van Gyn
The Working ClassHas Had Enough S. Proudfoot
The Racist History of Chinese Labour in Canada Shows Not Much Has Changed. Deemed Essential, But Still Invisible V. Wong
Ep. 1 Do The White Thing R. Kelly The Urbariginal CBC Podcast

Choose one of the shortlisted sources, and argue your opinion on why the source is worth being consumed by the GBC community. Argue your opinion in a thesis-driven college-level essay. You are not to compare your source against the other sources.

To respond, assess the impact of the author’s message and communication strategies:
What was the main message of the text you have chosen?
Why is the main message significant and relevant?
Why would you recommend this source to someone else? To answer this question, select and discuss one of the following communication strategies used in the text:

The incorporation of their unique perspective, social location, or lived experience
The development of a sound argument
The logical structure of ideas
The use of a compelling story
The incorporation of descriptive details
The inclusion of logical comparisons/ connections
The use of inclusive and appropriate language
The use of specific examples
The development of an appropriate tone through word choice


Write a 750 to 1000-word APA-style thesis-driven college-level paper. Your essay should focus on answering the following question: Why should the GBC community read the shortlisted source you have chosen?
In your introduction paragraph, answer question 1 and provide the context your audience needs (i.e., your introduction should include: attention grabber, background information, and thesis statement).
In your first body paragraph, answer question 2.
In your second body paragraph, answer question 3.
In your conclusion paragraph, reiterate your opinion on why the source is worth being consumed by the GBC community.
Apply what we learned in class about the conventions of an academic essay.