Write a research paper using the Purdue OWL or TCC Library websites as sources for research papers.
Write a research paper using the Purdue OWL or TCC Library websites as sources for research papers.
November 30, 2023 Comments Off on Write a research paper using the Purdue OWL or TCC Library websites as sources for research papers. best service Assignment-helpWrite a research paper using the Purdue OWL or TCC Library websites as sources for research papers.For the problem/solution research paper you will focus on a specific problem in society that needs a solution. Your job is to research, develop and present, as best you can, a topic that focuses on the problem in order to present your reader with possible solutions based on your research findings. The assignment allows critical thinking and presentation of opposing viewpoints while also practicing different research and writing techniques. Please choose a topic area you are interested in. Do some writing and preliminary research to decide what topic you’d like to research. Write a focus question to help guide your research; try for a question that some will answer yes and some no. (Using yes/no focus questions is a very common research technique.) To conduct your research, please complete the “Database Assignment” (see separate handout). In your essay, present your research findings related to the specific problem you chose, including divergent views, and then end with your best solution based on your findings. You are using your research to explore different views and help lead you to your solution. Present your findings in an essay. Don’t make it harder than it is! It may help to read about research papers on the TCC Library or Purdue OWL website. Please include the following elements in your essay: (1) An introduction that leads into the topic in an interesting way (2) A clearly stated focus question that indicates a problem that needs a solution (3) Evidence from research sources that will provide information and examples of potential answers to your focus question, including divergent views (4) A well-constructed conclusion, designed to reveal a solution to the problem and persuade your reader of its validity. You might consider returning to your creative opening. Don’t forget to use transitions to shift from various aspects of your topic. While you should write preliminary drafts in your own voice, please do keep in mind that you are writing this paper for an academic audience that requires a formal discourse appropriate for university and college (No “I” or “you” point of view). USE AT LEAST FIVE (5) SOURCES IN THE ESSAY, INCLUDING AT LEAST THREE SOURCES FROM THE TCC DATABASE AND DOCUMENT THE SOURCES IN PROPER MLA FORMAT. YOUR ESSAY SHOULD BE AT LEAST EIGHT PARAGRAPHS LONG. Please use the following schedule to complete this assignment: