Write an argument that takes a position inresponse to the following question: Were Roy and Celestial really in love?

Write an argument that takes a position inresponse to the following question: Were Roy and Celestial really in love?
May 6, 2020 Comments Off on Write an argument that takes a position inresponse to the following question: Were Roy and Celestial really in love? Uncategorized Assignment-help
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Write an argument that takes a position inresponse to the following question: Were Roy and Celestial really in love? Take a stand,supporting one view or the other, while acknowledging and responding to opposing oralternative views.Final drafts should be in standard MLA format and adhere to MLA guidelines. A WorksCited page is necessary. You are welcome to include information from other sources ifyou like, but it is not required.Your audience:A general academic audience of your peers. Assume the reader had read the novel butmay need to be reminded of main ideas. Paper 3 Objectives (for all options)1. Is the title original and effective?2. Is the thesis statement direct and clear? Does it respond to the assignment’sprompt? Does it appear at the end of the introduction? Is it a contestablestatement that requires proof (i.e., not a fact or description)? Is it original andthought-provoking?3. Support/Body paragraphs• Do supporting paragraphs/sections contain clear topic sentences in thebeginning? Do topic sentences successfully preview the main points of theparagraphs/sections?• Is supporting information/evidence (including quotes and paraphrases)effective, providing clear, strong evidence in support of your points? Inother words, does the amount and quality of the evidence support theessay’s claims?• Does the author explain or analyze the significance of the supportinginformation (evidence) after presenting it?4. Are quotations contextualized so that the reader is not at all confused about theirmeaning or significance?5. Does the conclusion leave a strong lasting impression?6. Does the depth of the analysis reflect careful, thoughtful interaction with the text?Does it say something new, showing original insight?7. Unity: Is each paragraph focused? Do body paragraphs stick to developing thethesis? Are there transitions between paragraphs or other major shifts in ideas?8. Coherence, grammar, spelling, tone: Is the intended audience’s understandinghelped by coherent sentences free of grammatical issues? Is the toneappropriate for the intended audience? Objectives are not weighed equally when grading. In fact, objective #6will likely figure into the overall success of the paper the most, as I consider it to be themost important. The reason: Successful writing says something new; it does more thango through the motions. That said, all objectives are important in producing a successfulpaper. For example, an essay that meets all other objectives successfully, but iscompletely incoherent because of numerous grammatical errors, can still receive afailing grade. The final grade assigned is holistic* and not determined just by thenumber of objectives successfully met.