Write an essay A) explaining the proper way to understand the Christian doctrine of creatio ex nihilo showing exactly why thinkers such as Karl Barth and Etienne Gilson would want to avoid saying that “To be God is to be the Creator.”
Write an essay A) explaining the proper way to understand the Christian doctrine of creatio ex nihilo showing exactly why thinkers such as Karl Barth and Etienne Gilson would want to avoid saying that “To be God is to be the Creator.”
May 5, 2020 Comments Off on Write an essay A) explaining the proper way to understand the Christian doctrine of creatio ex nihilo showing exactly why thinkers such as Karl Barth and Etienne Gilson would want to avoid saying that “To be God is to be the Creator.” Uncategorized Assignment-help1. Write an essay A) explaining the proper way to understand the Christian doctrine of creatio ex nihilo showing exactly why thinkers such as Karl Barth and Etienne Gilson would want to avoid saying that “To be God is to be the Creator.” What were they affirming and what were they negating? B) Then, explain the difference between pantheism and panentheism. C) Finally, using examples from our class discussions (Moltmann, Knitter, Whitehead, Ogden and Migliore) to make your points, explain exactly why panentheism either succeeds or fails to maintain the freedom of God and therefore the intended meaning of the doctrine of creation from nothing. D) Finally, How does the thinking of Angelus Silesius and Paul Fiddes relate to these issues? 2. Explain the main teaching of the Council of Chalcedon regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ by discussing why the bishops in 451 wanted to avoid monophysitism, adoptionism (Nestorianism) and extreme forms of Alexandrian and Antiochene Christology. What were these extreme forms of Christology and what was the problem with them from a Christocentric standpoint? Make sure you give examples to illustrate your points. Then, relying on the PowerPoint presentations, discuss the proper understanding of the hypostatic union explaining why the terms enhypostasis and anhypostasis were used by theologians in the Patristic era to understand the mystery Jesus Christ as the incarnate Word.