Write an essay in which you select three of the factors listed below and demonstrate how they were integral to the enactment of the Holocaust during World War II.

Write an essay in which you select three of the factors listed below and demonstrate how they were integral to the enactment of the Holocaust during World War II.
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Assignment Question

About This Assignment Throughout this course, you have learned about Nazi racial ideology and antisemitism, the alienation and persecution of Europe’s Jews between 1933 and 1945, and the policies and practices used by Nazi Germany to enact the ‘Final Solution to the Jewish Question’ during World War II. This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of how Nazi Germany organized, planned, and executed the mass murder of Europe’s Jews in World War II. You are also expected to use your analytical skills to determine when Hitler and other high-ranking Nazis decided that the ‘Final Solution’ would be the killings of millions of people.

Prompt Compose a 2,000-2,500 word essay for the following prompt: Carrying out the ‘Final Solution to the Jewish Question’ required a considerable amount of coordination and planning by Nazi officials. Write an essay in which you select three of the factors listed below and demonstrate how they were integral to the enactment of the Holocaust during World War II. Be sure to provide substantive descriiptions for each of the three factors you choose, and the analysis for at least one of your factors should include observations drawn from a primary source.

  • a) The Children’s and T4 Aktion euthanasia programs
  • b) The establishment of Jewish ghettos in places such as Warsaw, Poland
  • c) The activities of the Einsatzgruppen and the Order Police in Poland and the Soviet Union
  • d) Operation Reinhard
  • e) The Wannsee Conference
  • f) The establishment of the Chelmno, Majdanek, and Auschwitz-Birkenau killing centers
  • g) Military events such as the invasion of Poland or the liberation of German-occupied territory by Allied forces

In your conclusion, analyze whether you think the Holocaust was planned prior to 1939 or if it evolved over the course of World War II in response to changing circumstances. Provide at least one new example that supports your assessment. Formatting & Sources Please write your paper in the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) format. As part of your research, you may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use at least two primary and three secondary sources and cite them using CMS format as well. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. If you use any Study.com lessons as sources, please also cite them in CMS (including the lesson title and instructor’s name). • Primary sources are first-hand accounts such as interviews, advertisements, speeches, company documents, statements, and press releases published by the company in question. • Secondary sources come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Management. You may use like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Social Science Research Network to find articles from these journals. Secondary sources may also come from reputable websites with .gov, .edu, or .org in the domain. (Wikipedia is not a reputable source, though the sources listed in Wikipedia articles may be acceptable.) If you’re unsure about how to use CMS format for your paper and sources, please see the following lessons: • What Is the Chicago Citation Style? • Chicago Formatting: Style & Definition.
