Write an outline of the steps you will take and which health professionals you may involve in your decision-making process.

Write an outline of the steps you will take and which health professionals you may involve in your decision-making process.
June 16, 2020 Comments Off on Write an outline of the steps you will take and which health professionals you may involve in your decision-making process. Uncategorized Assignment-help
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Access the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s graphic novella at:https://www.cdc.gov/phpr/zombies/#/page/1.Read through Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic. Once you have finished the novella, complete the following assignment:You work in the Emergency Preparedness division of the CDC, and you have been tasked with coordinating your state’s plan for responding to an emergency zombie pandemic. Write an outline of the steps you will take and which health professionals you may involve in your decision-making process.For this assignment:Identify and manage the key personnel and departments that could be involved in your plan. Explain and justify the resources needed, the allocation of the potential budget, and any other emergency preparedness steps you think should be included. A time line of response should help with creating how your outline will flow.https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/03/.